
Βασίλης Καλαβρουζιώτης

Founder of Keon Energy

Vassilis Kalavrouziotis holds an MSc and a BSc in software engineering from Patras University, in Computer Engineering and Informatics department. His MSc Thesis subject was about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms applied in geospatial and user generated data. Since 2022, he is a PhD candidate in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). His subject area is Distributed Ledger Technology (DTL) and Web3 applications in energy management for distributed renewable energy generation and storage. In 2015 he collaborated with the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEAL Link) at the National Technical University of Athens and the academic Library of the University of Patras. He took over as software engineer in Kallipos project, an online repository for academic e-books. Meanwhile, in 2017 he joins the workforce of Eunice Energy Group as Director in the Software and Energy Solutions Department. He was actively involved in TILOS project, leading the team that developed the software for the energy efficiency and energy management system of the hybrid power station. Vassilis Kalavrouziotis was CEO of Joltie for 2 years, until Dec. 2022. Joltie provides a network of public chargers and also develops custom solutions regarding the energy transition and the eMobility sector. He is the founder of Keon Energy, a company with the vision to revolutionize the energy market by creating a decentralized energy marketplace on a secure and transparent blockchain infrastructure. Our platform empowers energy prosumers to track their energy generation, consumption, and sales in real-time, ensuring fair compensation for excess energy and greater control over energy usage.
  • Show me your Angel

    • 17.40 μ.μ.
    • 18/4 : 18 Απριλίου 2024

    Μια ενότητα που δομείται μέσα από μια διαδραστική συνύπαρξη on stage, start uppers που παρουσιάζουν τη δικιά τους εμπειρία, αλλά και «Αγγέλων» με την μορφή incubators, accelerators, mentors, κλπ, παρουσιάζοντας την μεταξύ τους συνεργασία.

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